Given her fabulous achievement in reaching the finals of tonight's Humorous Speech Contest, I wanted to introduce her more widely to the Toastmasters community in London. I caught up with her at the end of last week and here are a few questions to give you a flavour of the woman.
A. I've been a member for 2 1/2 years. Northern Lights was launched by Carin Schwartz and Kate McNeilly just over 3 years ago. Carin is Swedish, hence the name Northern Lights, however it is doubly applicable since we meet in Camden Town. We attract a diverse membership; mainly young professionals seeking, I believe, more to improve their communication and presentation skills, rather than become keynote speakers. There is a really lovely energy to the club and I'd love to be able to attract more people to come visit us and, of course, join up
Q. I know I shouldn't ask a lady but how old are you? I have heard rumours! Give us a hint if you don't want to tell us exactly!
I had my 70th birthday in May and, believe me, I'm proud of it and eternally grateful for my health, enthusiasm and energy which, in my book, comes from God.
Q. Wow, 70! I hope I have half the energy you have when I reach that age. I am sure that any of our readers who have met you will agree. How did you come across TM and why, at your age, did you join?
A. A friend who was a member invited me to join her at a meeting. At the time they met in a pub and it was rather noisy so I put off joining. I was busy running my life coaching practice at the time and I didn't feel the need. When I next visited they had moved to a new venue, The London Irish Centre. I signed up immediately.
I am officially retired now but Toastmasters is filling my life with fun, stimulation, challenge and an ever increasing network of delightful, interesting people. AGE is not an issue at TM and I hope to be an energetic, contributory and useful member for many years to come.
I'd known about Toastmasters for years but like so many people, had not enquired into it. Sadly, I think the 'brand' is a tad old-fashioned - it gives a false impression of what is today a very modern organisation but people have to dig deeper to discover that. Too many still have the visual concept of the 'Toastmaster' in the short bum-freezer jacket and the starched shirt and associate us with that.
Q. Haha! I agree - I too spend too much time explaining that we don't do weddings! Tell us what has Toastmasters done for you?
A. In my youth I was a dancer and a passionate amateur actress and singer. Toastmasters gives me back the opportunity to perform, which I love, but without the sometimes onerous commitment of belonging to an 'am dram' society and being locked into weeks and weeks of rehearsal.
As I progress through the TM training programme (CC presently and moving towards ACB by the end of the TM year) I set myself greater challenges than I did when I first joined. I'm really profiting from the 'discipline' of table topics, evaluation and getting my point across within the allotted time. I'm lucky, I've always loved to work with an audience, but since joining TM I've become more and more self-critical. I REALLY WANT TO BE THE VERY BEST THAT I CAN POSSIBLY BE.
Q. So here you are wanting to be the best you possibly be and suddenly you find yourself in the London final for the Humorous Speech contest - a truly great achievement. What does it mean to you to be participating in this year's London final?
A. To have got this far in the competition is a WIN in itself. If I go any further, and of course I hope I do, then, of course, it will be for me, but it will also be for my club and for WOMEN, and particularly older women; since women, historically, do not have much success in TM Speech Competitions.
Q. Do you have a message for your fellow competitors?
A. Yes! Stimulate us, challenge us, fascinate us, leave us clutching our sides in mirth and above all, Be yourself and HAVE FUN!
Q. And what about for people on the fence thinking about coming to a TM meeting?
A. Just take the first step and cut along to a meeting (better still several). Visit several clubs, there's a different energy with each one and YOU will know what suits you best. Don't sit on the fence like I did, make the time, make the commitment you've absolutely nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain.
Q. Jilly, thank you for your time. Best of luck in the Contest on Monday. It promises to be a fabulous night and having heard your speech know you must be in with a good shout.
A. Thanks - hopefully see you in the bar afterwards!
As all at Northern Lights will tell you, Jilly is a wonderful person. The club is in great hands. Please come along this evening to cheer along Jilly (and all the other contestants!) in tonight's contest.