Posted by Freddie Daniells
Phew! I made it back from the Harrogate conference. There were times I wasn't sure I would! It was a fabulous event with all sorts of educational, culinary and entertaining experiences thrown in. There must have been up to 400 people there with all regions of the UK and Ireland represented. Here is my diary of the weekend:
Friday 9th November
10.30pm After a quick bite in town, Mrs Fred and I wander into the main ballroom to see if we can grab a few pictures (hopefully embarrassing!) for the London Speaker. In line with the Toasties and Ghosties dinner theme, we are confronted with all manner of Ghouls and various states of disarray. Leading from the front was, of course, our very own Division B Governor, Dick Dixon. If there was a dance to be had, a drink or laugh to be had, don't worry, Dick was there waving the Division B banner! (Dick in the pic)
The entire Tube Talk team turned up as Ghostbusters (or was that Toastbusters - was never really sure) ala Dick above. It was great to see everyone in such great spirits despite the fact that many had endured a 5 or 6 hours journey to get there.
1.00am Mrs Fred tells me she is off to bed. I decide I will stay down to finish off my drink, thinking I'll go up in 10 mins or so.
2.30am I stagger to my room and have to wake Mrs Fred as I have no key. I am severely in the doghouse! Not good.
Saturday 10th November
8.15am Alarm goes off. How I love snooze buttons!
10.00am Mad dash to get downstairs in time for the Andrew Brammer workshop. Mrs Fred gives me another (well deserved) ear bashing!
10.30am Andrew Brammer's workshop was entitled 'How to Make Your Speeches Come Alive with Stories'. He touches on plot development, character development and the use of conflict, suspense and drama. He also challenges us to use more descriptive language to touch on all of our senses. The 'boy with the toilet brush hair' from one illustrative story will stick with me for a long time. My best complement to Andrew is that my headache from the night before becomes just about bearable during his session! I hope to get some words of wisdom from him here on this site soon.
11.30am District Council meeting. My headache returns with a vengeance! And my laptop and camera seem to have stopped talking to each other (much like me and Mrs Fred!). Bang goes my idea for live blogging the conference. Anyhow, amidst my haze I hear some great stuff about how the District Council is making (small) pots of money available to the places that really need it - new clubs and clubs in need of sponsors. Clubs in Oxford and Leeds bid to host the conferences in 2009. Dick gives a glowing report of Div B and The London Speaker is mentioned in dispatches several times - yay!
1.00pm Quick dash into town - where is the nearest Boots?? I need Nurofen...NOW!
2.00pm - Mrs Fred is happier now - phew! Off to the Simon Bucknall keynote speech. This slot is often known as the grave yard slot but you wouldn't have known it with Simon on stage. Called Sex, Politics and Religion - Three Keys to Connect, he kept us on the edge of our seats as he talked about his personal experiences reaching the World finals twice. He brought some wonderful examples, made us laugh frequently and the analogies with Sex, Politics and Religion were first class. Everyone, whether beginner or experienced, will have learnt much about the art of connection after this speech. I hope we may get some words from Simon here on his speech too.
3.30pm I am a judge at the Humorous Speech contest. Luckily those Nurofen have done the trick - can now concentrate. Wow - it is close. Everyone does a great job and should all be proud of themselves. It really is like putting a cigarette paper between them to separate the contestants. Jonathon Palmer of London Corinthians and our Division B winner does a fabulous job. While we are waiting for the counting of the judges ballots to take place, the contestants go up to receive their participation certificates. Here is Jonathon being interviewed:
But there has to be a winner...the Humorous Speech contest is won by Bev Avis-Dakin for a speech on the perils of Internet Dating. It was very good. Unfortunately, Jonathon doesn't place but he should be very pleased with his effort. And to think he has only been a member of TM for a year!
7.00pm Saturday evening starts with a very civilised affair organised by Ian Millen of London Corinthians for a select few Division B and friends guest list. (watch out for Ian's article here soon!). Pimms and sparkling wine sets our evening off in the perfect way. The ideal way for me to get used to alcohol again!
8.00pm The formal dinner begins. Everyone is dressed in their black ties and cocktail dresses. Its great to see how well we all scrub up. Even Iain Duthie of Tube Talk (and our Div B Assistant) Governor looks smart - amazing!! (Hi Iain!). The food was excellent and great speeches from our UK and Ireland District 71 President, Mary Murtagh and the International Director of Toastmasters, our special guest, Mohammed Murad. (The pic is Iain.)
1.00am The famous Irish Craic starts getting in full swing. The tiredness from last night is kicking in for me as is the alcohol fatigue and at 1.30am or so Mrs Fred and I retire. It may not look like it in the picture but the older gentleman standing is singing.
Sunday 11th November
8.30am Down for breakfast. Can't be up North without pigging out on black pudding. Plenty of weary and blurry faces around this morning.
9.30am The Table Topics contest. Again a very high standard. The Topic is "Remember when...". Very apt for Remembrance Sunday. Perhaps surprisingly, hardly any of the speakers go with this. However, some powerful, amusing and inspiring topics are given. Oooh - two people are disqualified for going over time. And the winner is: John Kelly. Andrew Klimaytys of Riverside Communicators and our Division B winner does not place. Again it could have been any one of about half a dozen people who could have won. A great effort from Andrew. Here he is relaxing on the Friday night:
Not sure what he was dressed as that night. However, Andrew is pretty scary looking at the best of times!! ;)
11.00am The Hall of Fame and I have to go up and collect an award for my predecessor, Deborah Ilott for achieving Presidents Distinguished Area last year (well done D!). I have to talk a little about Early Bird Speakers, the new club in Area 34 from last year. I have forgotten how weird it is hear yourself when using a microphone.
12.00am Its all over and we are all invited to come to the next conference next May in Ireland. Now, for the long drive home...
Thank you to Jo Haskins as conference organiser and to all the members of Thamesdown Speakers, Harrogate Strictly Speaking, Leeds Speakers and York ebOrators who gave us such a warm Yorkshire welcome. If you haven't been to a Toastmaster's conference they are definitely to be recommended. Hopefully see you at the next one!
One last photo - this is pretty much how I looked at various parts of the weekend! What a wonderful time! :)
(I will put further photos up on the site later this week.)