From Keith Gautier, ACG, London Athenians
To be held at The Hop Poles, 17-19 King Street, Hammersmith, W6 9HR in the upstairs bar, Tuesday 1st December 2009. 7pm.
Ever wondered what it would be like if a Toastmaster’s evening ran in reverse order?
Well now is your chance!
This is a fun night, the whole of the evening’s programme will be run in reverse. The evening starts with the President closing the meeting and ends when he opens it. The evaluations will be given before we’ve heard the speeches, the topics will be given before the questions have been set and general confusion and mayhem will reign.
For example, the Table Topics Evaluator will evaluate and name the Table Topics speakers in the order of appearance and may even give a clue as to what they will be talking about! The timekeeper will give the times before you speak. The Table Topics master will have to set the question after the topic has been given so will need to decide what question needs to be set in order to elicit the answer that we just heard.
The lights have to given in the usual order of green/amber/red otherwise we will go over time. There are no holds barred and you can collude with whomever you wish in order to really set someone up to maximise the effect and the inevitable laughter. Don’t forget to heckle if someone gets lost or forgets to do something they have been set up to do.
If you get lost and confused then don’t worry, you’ll be just like the rest of us!
Come along and see whether the title of the evening refers to the meeting or Keith Gautier who put it together it! Come and join the London Athenians for a fun night out. Admission FREE