From Gary Edwards, Area 6 Governor
I'm very pleased to announce the success of the Area 6 contest on Monday. We were treated to an extraordinary evening packed with inspirational speeches and enlightening evaluations.
The competitors in the International Speech contest were: Simon Bucknall (London Cardinals), Mike Silverman (London Corinthians), David Jones (London Olympians) and Margaret Kramarz (Polish your Polish).
And the results: 1st Place Simon Bucknall 2nd Place Margaret Kramarz
The Evaluation Contest competitors were: Glenn Jones (London Cardinals), Margaret Kramarz (London Corinthians), Laura McCracken (London Olympians) and Gosia Gorna (Polish your Polish).
And the results were: 1st Place Laura McCracken 2nd Place Gosia Gorna.
Also instrumental in the running of the evening were Graeme Philips (Chief Judge), Liz Hobbs (mystery speaker), the timers, the counters, the judges and of course London Corinthians for supplying the room and a wonderful contest chair in the form of Steven Bastian.
Our winners go on to compete in the All London Final on Saturday 24 April in West Kensington, SW6.Pictured below from left to right:
Gosia Gorna, Margaret Kramartz, Graeme Philips, Glenn Jones, Gary Edwards (Area Gov), Simon Bucknall, Laura McCracken, Mike Silverman, Steven Bastian (Contest Chairman).