Our final Club Officer Training sessions are happening this week.
Remember these sessions are excellent opportunities for new Committee Members to become familiar with their respective roles, for more experienced Committee members to pass on their experience and mentor fellow Committee Members and for your Committee as a whole to begin the process of coming together as a really effective unit. Book your place if you haven't done so already.
Division K COT
Monday 23rd July 7pm-9pm – Jolly Farmers Pub, close to Purley Station
Tuesday 24th July 7pm-9pm - Russian English Speakers- KPMG , 15 Canada Square, E14 5GL. Pre-registration is essential. Email [email protected] with details of attendees.
Wed 25 July 7pm-9pm Location: Chemistry Building, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ (near South Kensington station). PLEASE ARRIVE BEFORE 7PM AS THE ENTRANCE CLOSEST TO THE CHEMISTRY BUILDING CLOSES AT 7PM
Here is the map of the campus: http://workspace.imperial.ac.uk/campusinfo/public/sthkencampus.pdf
Division L COT
Monday 23rd July 7pm-9pm– Central London – 55 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BD, (St. James Park). Please book your place via your club President if you'd like to attend on Monday. Your names must be on the list for you to attend.
COT is also an excellent opportunity to meet the Division Council, especially the respective Division Governor and Area Governor who will support your club. And of course, it's great networking with other members/potential GEs and contest judges!