From Kayus Fernander
As President of CitiCriers Toastmasters, it’s my pleasure to let you know about workshop and networking event, entitled “Becoming #1 in the World: Inspirational Leadership and Exceptional Public Speaking”. The event will be held on Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 7pm,in Canary Wharf and will be beneficial to leaders of Toastmasters Clubs and anyone interested in driving change.
Guest Speakers and Workshops
- Morag Mathieson – Conceive it, Believe it, Achieve it – Becoming #1 in the World
- Jean Gamester – Inspirational Public Speaking
The event will be followed by networking where you will have a chance to meet and share ideas with the Toastmasters leadership and your peers. We hope that you’re able to attend, and that you would share the invitation with your club members. There are more details on the link below. You must reserve your placein advance:
Our trainers:
Morag Mathieson
In 2012/13, Morag led the District of Continental Europe to become the #1 performing Toastmasters district in the world, for the first time in its history. Morag is the Toastmasters Region Advisor for Europe, Middle East and Africa 2014-15, where she provides district leaders with strategy, operations, marketing and training support.
With an academic background in Pharmacy, Morag has worked in clinical practice and general management before moving into specialist education roles and management positions in the healthcare sector.
Jean Gamester, DTM
Jean has been part of Toastmasters for eight years and is currently responsible for education and training for members across the South of the UK. She attributes the learning she gained through active participation in Toastmasters to the fantastic opportunities she has had as a leader beyond Toastmasters. She has been able to run large programmes across different countries and organisations, set up and run her own business, and run a charity as interim CEO.