Daniel Broadhead, President, Berkeley Square Speakers
Berkeley Square Speakers held their inaugural mentor training event on Wednesday 1 October at the Killik Music Room in Mayfair.
At this fun and insightful workshop club members learnt new tools and techniques to become more effective mentors in the club and in their personal and professional lives. Simon Frusher, VP Mentoring said "I found the session insightful, thoughtful and facilitated us as a group to think 'mentor'. I know this will bode well for us all within Toastmasters but also in all avenues of our lives."
In what was a highly interactive session we learnt about the three stages of the mentoring relationship, the importance of establishing the ground rules, as well as exploring ways in which mentors can help mentees, and practicing some of the skills and techniques required for mentoring. We established that mentoring is a two way relationship and that for it to work both mentor and mentee have to get something out of it.
Marc Lottig, Area 52 Governor, posited after the event that "good mentors are and remain first and foremost good mentees. The desire and willingness to seek input reflects maturity and confidence, two attributes which I believe are at least as important as experience and competence."
Co-ordinated by Simon VP Mentoring, mentors at the club will incorporate the learnings from the session into their mentoring work.
Andrew Towers was our host and Charlene Laidley facilitated this event for us. Charlene is a professional trainer of mentors, with over 8 years mentoring experience working with global corporations, non-profit and government organizations.
Any one who wishes to get in touch with Charlene to see explore developing a mentoring programme at your club can do. Click here to email Charlene.