Following the success of Corporate Club Officer Training in July, we bring you two COTs for Corporate club officers - in Reading on 1 December 2014, 7pm-9pm and in London on 8 January.
This training brings together corporate club officers across different areas and divisions and aims to:
- Give club officers the chance to explore what they are experiencing in delivering their roles, with breakouts for club presidents, vice presidents education, membership and public relations, secretary, treasurer and sergeant-at-arms
- Deliver officer training in how to run a successful corporate club that achieves its goals
- How to overcome challenges that corporate clubs face, and that all clubs face
- An opportunity for members of different corporate clubs to get to know each other and share ideas
A huge thank you to our hosts Toastmasters@Microsoft UK and club president Ben De St Paer-Gotch!
Register here:
There will be parking and cold drinks available. When you arrive, say you are attending a MS evening event in B3 and ask for Ben.
This training qualifies as official training for Distingushed Club Programme (DCP) purposes.
- There will also be division and area level training available to all corporate clubs along with the community clubs. Corporate members have the opportunity to attend both sessions if they wish. However, you only need to attend one of these for DCP.
- This training is designed for corporate club officers, but present and future area and division governors are welcome to attend so they can understand better the challenges and opportunities that corporate clubs experience. That said, if there are a shortage of spaces, we will ask non club officers to stand down and give priority to club officers.
Do you have questions about Corporate Club Officer Training at Microsoft Reading, 1 Decemember? Contact Toastmasters District 91