From Ajit Kulkarni, Area 59 Governor
We had an excellent contest evening hosted by Lewisham Speakers on Wednesday 18 March 2015.
Thank you to all our contestants, judges, functionaries and our audience!
The winners of the Area 59 Evaluation Contest:
!st Place Kayus Fernander Citi Criers
2nd Place Helen Jinadu Meridian Speakers
3rd Place Richard Green Lewisham Speakers
The winners of the Area 59 International Speech Contest:
!st Place Flavia Gordon Lewisham Speakers
2nd Place Kayus Fernander Citi Criers
3rd Place Nadya Morozova Meridian Speakers
Our winners go through to the Division K contests which take place on Thursday 23 April 2015.
Pictured above from L to R: Kayus Fernander(Evaluation Contest Winner), Ajit Kulkarni (K59 Area Governor), Flavia Gordon (International Speech Contest Winner)