From Fahad Alturkait, Area 31 Director
On Thursday 14 April Area K31 International Speech and Evaluation Contests took place in Canary Wharf to a very good turnout.
Both the 1st and 2nd place winners advance to the Division K Contests.
The winners of the International Speech Contest were:
1st Place: David Marks from Russian English Speakers
2nd Place Jeanne Kruger from Canary Wharf Communicators
The winners of the Evaluation Contest were:
1st Place: David Marks from Russian English Speakers
2nd Place: Polina Georgieva from WIBF Canary Wharf
Area Director Election
Before the contests kicked off, the Area 31 Council held a meeting and the next Area Director for K31 for Toastmaster Year 2016-2017 was elected. The winning candidate was Chris Lloyd-Davison from Canary Wharf Communicators.
Congratulations to the new Area Director who will be taking over from 1 July 2016.
We wish Area K31 Contestants all the best at the Division K Contests taking place this Saturday 23 April 2016.