From Paul Carroll, 104 London Debaters
Tues. 13 December is the Year End Balloon Debate at 104 London Debaters. Please come along for the evening and get involved!
In a balloon debate, speakers are ejected round-by-round (as if thrown out of a metaphorical sinking balloon) as they try to persuade the audience to let them remain.
Our theme this year is Who Is The Best Person With Whom To Be Stranded On A Desert Island? Each speaker is given a character in the public eye and must defend that person's quality as desert island companion.
"What do you bring by way of skills or coping mechanism to make you the best person for an audience member to be stuck with? Strength? Problem-solving skills? Hunter-gathering skills? Building skills? Leadership?"
Balloon Debates are typically lighthearted, humorous affairs and we look forward to closing 2016 with a display of our arguing talents, our ability to read the mood of the audience and our good old witty banter.
Balloon Debates are interactive, with the audience posing questions and each speaker responding in defense of his or her position. The audience decides who leaves the balloon and who remains.
104 London Debaters in the UK's first Toastmasters club dedicated to debate. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Grange Rochester Hotel, 69 Vincent Square SW1P 2PA (close to Victoria, Pimlico and St James stations) 6.45pm for 7pm start