From Cat Kipling, Area Director L9
Members from across Area L9 joined together on 20 September 2017 for laughs, frivolities and a higher-than-average number of speeches referring to matters "below the belt"... It was of course our annual Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests, with representatives from Berkeley Square Speakers, Excalibur Speakers, Experience French and Paddington Toastmasters vying for the coveted places at the Division L contests on 14 October 2017 (follow this link for tickets).
Our winners were...
Humorous Speech Contest:
1st - Ju Hyoung Yoo
2nd - David West
3rd - Marc Lottig
Table Topics Contest:
1st - Martin Zeman
2nd - Tony Truepenny-Phillipson
3rd - Freddie Daniells
Congratulations go out to all of our winners in contests that I can only imagine made tough decisions for our esteemed judges!
As well as celebrating the success of the winners of the contests, we were able to celebrate the success of our clubs at this early stage in the Toastmasters year. I had the honour of presenting each of the 4 clubs with a complete set of club officer pins, as awarded to them by the District Leadership Team for all 7 officers from all 4 clubs attending Club Officer Training! This is a huge achievement for the club leadership teams, and with there being a direct correlation between the training of officers and the success of clubs, Area L9 is one to watch...