Report from Toastmasters Division L by Cat Kipling

Toastmasters gathered from Division L and beyond to network, learn and become better leaders at January’s Division L Toastmasters Leadership Institute organised at London Business School
We enjoyed a full day of packed and varied agenda led by past District Directors, past District contest champion, current District leaders and more.
Past District Evaluation Contest champion Lynne Cantor opened the day energetically with her workshop on Becoming a CHAMPION Evaluator, inspiring everyone to participate in the upcoming evaluation contests and giving us top tips to take back to our clubs.
Cat Kipling, Area L9 Director, asked attendees what one thing they would do in the next 6 months to make their own club better, and encouraged everyone to ask their members and guests for feedback via a Moments of Truth session - and to act on that feedback!
“What is Speechcraft” was the next order of the day, delivered by Division L Director Seema Menon, where we learned what an approachable tool this programme is to introduce a broader audience to Toastmasters and to have a real impact in our local communities.
With a keynote speech, past District Director Jean Gamester inspired us to be better leaders. By practicing what she preached, she shared stories from her own experience - both within and outside of Toastmasters - throughout her speech to bring the subject to life.
Immediate Past District Director Vanessa King ran a highly interactive session on mentoring - both why you should be a mentor and why you should have a mentor - examining how a mentoring relationship works and what the benefits are to both parties.
Coralie Frances, Pathways Ambassador, and Fedor Herbatschek, Pathways Guide, shared an introduction to Pathways, the new Toastmasters educational programme, in an interactive session drawing on the key features and benefits. Keep an eye out for a Pathways Guide presenting at your club soon!
Helping us with answers to the “why” and “how to” complete a High Performance Leadership project, Immediate Past Division L Director Steve Brewer shared his experiences of completing his own HPL project and also helping others with their projects.
Our day was rounded out by a thought-provoking session on Conflict Management from Mindy Jhittay, Immediate Past President of Early Bird Speakers, in which we learned techniques that we can apply not only at Toastmasters but in our home and work environments too.
Some feedback from participants:
- Jacqui (Riverside Communicators) - Everything was well organised, it was a great programme and a fabulous venue. Not only that, everyone was very welcoming and friendly.
- Marianna (Data Science Speakers) - It was a very valuable day. Connected once again to value, diversity, professional endeavours, dignified treatment of people around you, decency, victories and successes for the right reasons.
- Peter (Berkeley Square Speakers) - I enjoyed every bit of last Saturday's presentations at the LBS and I am writing to say thank you very much for organising. I am not a club officer yet but I now have insights of how I can make my club better even as an ordinary member, and also at some point when I serve as an officer.
A huge thanks to all the presenters, to Seema Menon(Div L Director) and Marcin Tolysz (Area L56 Director) for organising the day, to London Business School for providing the venue and most of all to the delegates who attended and participated!