From 20`104 London Debaters
Should human gene editing be banned? Debate it Tuesday 12 March 2019 at 104 London Debaters TM.
Writing in The Guardian, ethicist John Harris claimed that all of us need gene editing to be pursued, and if possible, made safe enough to use in humans. Not only to pave the way for procedures on adult tissues, but to keep open the possibility of using gene editing to protect embryos from susceptibility to major diseases and prevent other debilitating genetic conditions from being passed on through them to future generations.>/p>
In that same newspaper, Dr Marcy Darnovsky of the Center for Genetics and Society called it an unneeded and societally dangerous biotechnology, one that could be leveraged by privileged elites seeking purported genetic improvements to ensure that their children are treated as superior to the rest of us. "Haven’t we been down the path of biologically defined hierarchies before? In a world plagued with obscene inequalities, in a time of resurgent racism, is this the road we want to travel?"
What do you think? And can you say why you think that?
104 London Debaters is the UK's first and only Toastmasters club dedicated to debate.
Our debate is on Tuesday,12 March, 2019, 6:45 gathering for 7:00 gavel, The Grange Rochester Hotel, , 69 Vincent Square, SW1P-2PA (entrance on Vane Street). Near Victoria Station and Pimlico Station. Convenient to Vauxhall Station as well.
104 London Debaters meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at The Grange Rochester GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO SPEAK IN FLOOR CONTRIBUTIONS